Help: FACScalibur problems

Christian Schütt (
Thu, 30 Jan 1997 10:54:26 -0500

Dear flowers!
We want to analyze marine bacterial populations using flowcytometry.
Because we are new in this field, there are a lot of problems. One problem
occurs, when putting the PMs to about 500 (which is 50% of maximum - and
necessary! for stained bacteria) we get (more or less) huge clouds of
signals even with (particle-free) 0.2 µ filtered A. dest. Shall we filter
the sheath-fluid again (we use BD sheath fluid). Is it electronic noise?
Does anybody have an idea?

Gunnar Gerdts
Biologische Anstalt Helgoland
Dept. Marine Microbiology
27483 Helgoland

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