Help to our collegues from underprivileged countries

Fri, 31 Jan 1997 11:11:03 -0500

Several years ago ISAC initiated the action to help our collegues
from underprivileged countries. Among many activities, the most
valuable was a contribution provided by Wiley-Liss, who offered up
100 complimentary subscriptions of CYTOMETRY to the researchers which
could not afford it and had no chance to have CYTOMETRY in their
libraries. Our collegues, predominantly from Poland, Czech Republic,
Hungary and the countries which obtained freedom after fall of the
former Soviet Union, were the main beneficiaries. We all are very
thankful to Wiley-Liss, and to Susan King in particular, for this
geneorous support.
Another activity worth of mentioning was a participation of ISAC
members (Jim Watson, Gunter Vallet, Paul Robinson, Maria Pallavicini,
Carl and Sigi Stewart, Jola Kunicka and the author of this note) in a
workshop organized by Jurek Kawiak in Warsaw, just after our Congress
in Rimini. There were over 100 attendees from several countries on
this workshop. This was followed by a workshop in Cracow.
Throughout recent years Paul Robinson was in particular very active,
maintaining interaction with many collegues from these countries and
helping them in a variety of tasks. Another person who is active in
organizing the help is Gunter Vallet.
Paul Robinson and I will be teaching in the next workshops, in Warsaw
and then in Cracow (June 7-12). Since the organizers cannot cover the
travel expenses, we travel on our own, trying to combine the trip
with other Meetings (Iberian Cytometry). By the way, I apeal to
potential speakers who can afford to come to Warsaw and want to teach
at the workshop to contact Jurek Kawiak (his address is in ISAC
I have just received a sad latter from Rotislav Stoika, Professor at
the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Division of Regulatory
Cell Systems, AV Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Drahomanov
Street 14/16, 290005 Lviv, Ukraine , e-mail:
""). He asks for help in receiving any journals
in field of cell and molecular biology, cytometry etc. They have no
funds whatsoever for the subscriptions. I contacted Wiley-Liss (via
Jean Parker, who always was so helpful in this endeaver) asking for
complientary subscription of CYTOMETRY. But I also appeal to
everyone on the Purdue Cytometry Board to help them.
Just this morning when talking by phone with Paul Robinson, he came
with a great idea, namely to open a web page which will specifically
address this issue. The colegues from underprivileged who need a help
could specify it on this page. We believe that commercial Companies
will be helpful: the supporting Companies will be acknowledged on
this page. Details will given by Paul.
I appeal for new ideas regarding as how we could be helpful for our
less lucky collegues. Living long time in communist Poland I know the
first-hand how difficult it is not being able to do research because
of limitations such as lack of the essential journals, reagents, etc.
We can discuss this issue further on this board.
Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz

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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone: (765)-494-0757; FAX(765) 494-0517; Web , EMAIL