Re: FACSort/PowerMac

Derek Davies (
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 14:51:18 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Michelle,

This connectivity problem seems to be common, although I for one have yet
to see a definitive explanation or universal workround.

I have been told that the problem stems from the architecture of one of
the bus boards - unfortunately as I dont speak fluent jargon, this means
little. Apparently BD and Apple are working on something that will cure it
but that may be some way down the line (This is UK info, perhaps the US
end know more?)

>From a practical day to day point of view, I always make sure that the
FACS is switched on first and left for at least 5 minutes before the
computer is switched on (an arbitrary time determined by the time taken
to get a coffee). We have a FACSCalibur connected to a 7600. If for any
reason this fails, I always switch both off and wait a minute or two
before trying again.

I have also found that having peripheral devices attached can also cause
problems, so I always try to boot up without the attached optical drive
being switched on.

I cant say that we have had any networking problems and the disk is
accessible remotely at all times.

Im sure that other more computer-hardware experts may be able to shed more
light on this particularly annoying problem!


* Derek Davies Voice: (44) 0171 269 3394 *
* FACS Laboratory, FAX: (44) 0171 269 3100 *
* ImperiAAal Cancer Research Fund, e_mail:
* London, UK *
* *
* Web Page: *
'Sitting in my opium den, surrounded by some Chinamen.."

On 12 Feb 1997 wrote:

> Date : 2/12/97
> Subject : FACSort/PowerMac
> >From : Michelle Miller
> To : Cytometry List
> FACSort/PowerMac
> To FACSort/FACScan users,
> We recently upgraded our FACSort computer from an HP system to a PowerMac 7600.
> In general we have been happy with this, although CellQuest could still has
> some way to go to take advantage of all Macs have to offer (but is better than
> Lysis II in most ways). However, we are having a sporadic, but persistent and
> annoying problem - when attempting to connect to the cytometer from withing the
> program we often get a message saying that the cytometer cannot be found.
> This is despite turning the FACS on before the computer, etc. This can go on
> for hours before it decides that the FACS really is there and lets us access it
> for aquisition. BD suggested reloading the software, which had no effect, nor
> did rebuilding the desktop. Our computer consultant has suggested that
> fragmentation of the hard disk is to blame, and that the recent high humidity
> in Sydney may also be implicated.
> Has anyone else had this problem with their Mac/FACS interface? We use Macs
> exclusively in our institute (with the exception of the old HP) and the 7600 is
> networked but the harddisk cannot be accessed by other computers without first
> checking that the FACSort is not in use. Any suggestions would be very
> welcome.
> Thanks in advance,
> Michelle Miller
> Johnson and Johnson Research Labs
> Sydney, Australia
> email:

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