Sheath Solution

Vivian Wu (
Sun, 23 Feb 1997 09:07:28 -0800 (PST)

Hi, All,

I've had several replies regarding sheath solution from Biosure. The
response is as follows:
1. Cheaper than FACSflow and Hemaline (and I'll add that it is competitive
pricing with Isoton by Coulter)
2. It is shipped in manageable sizes (avoids paying to send all that
water across the continent. I'll add that the 20 L cubes are heavy and has
managed to put my back out a few years ago).
3. A spigot comes with each container (and they fit with no leaks!)
4. The containers and boxes can be recycled for other uses.
5. Works very well although there are reservations when it comes to
sorting due to their preservatives.

I'll agree to the above except #4. We have been using it for about 6
months. We have found their containers to be FAULTY! Our shipments from
Biosure almost always have leakages. Boxes are WET upon arrival! Crusting
from NaCl around the lid appears often! The two dents at the opposite end,
where the plastic halves join are their weakest spot. After reconstiution
with dH2O, we now press that end of the container and will OFTEN find a
gaping hole where it will actually squirt out. Could it be damage due to
shipping to the far west? I was surprised that nobody mentioned the
container's defects! Is it only us that is experiencing this?

Vivian Wu (e-mail:
Immunology Lab
Vancouver Hospital & Health Sciences Centre

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