CD14 negative monocytes

Tue, 25 Mar 1997 16:02:20 GMT

I have been carrying out culture of CD34+ cells in the presence of
IL-3, GM- & G-CSF and following myeloid differentiation using cell
surface markers.

I am finding that staining with CD14 is grossly under-estimating the
monocytic content of these cultures as judged by morphology.

One of my colleagues has made similar observations. Additionally he
found that CD14+ AML cells lost expression of this marker when in

Has anyone had similar experiences or any good suggestions for
alternative markers which more reliably indicate monocytic
differentiation under these conditions?


From: Dr Richard Darley, Ph.D.
LRF Differentiation Unit
Department of Haematology (A7)
University of Wales College of Medicine
Heath Park
Cardiff, CF4 4XN
tel (+44) 12 22 74 34 85
or (+44) 12 22 74 45 24
Fax (+44) 12 22 74 45 23

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