Coulter Flownet Manual/source dir question

Avril Swarts (
Thu, 3 Apr 1997 17:49:19 GMT+2

We have a Coulter Epics Profile II and have just acquired the
Coulter Epics Flownet. Is there anyone who can help me with the

1. We were given the Epics Flownet Software manual minus pages 17-31.
Our local coulter supplier does not have a complete manual. Can
someone fax my a copy of the missing pages?

2. Listmode data on the Epics Profile II is always automatically saved
to disk, by passing the c: drive. Is there a way of saving into a
subdirectory on the c: drive?

3. Related to question 2, how do I make the specified directory
on the c: drive of the flow cytometer my source directory when I
transfer listmode data using Flownet?

Thank you in advance


/\ Avril J. Swarts
/ /\ \ Department of microbiology
~~~~~~~ /________\ ~~~~~~~ University of the Witwatersrand
II II II II Private bag 3
II II II II Wits 2050
II II II II Johannesburg, South Africa
___________________________ Phone:+27(+11)716-2103
________________________________ Fax:+27(+11)339-7377


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