HP data conversion

Bjarne Moeller (bkm@biobase.aau.dk)
Mon, 16 May 94 09:34:20 GMT

I have a desperate wish for a software package to translate B-D HP disk
LIF-format FACScan and FACSort data to DOS format, to establish off-line
data analysis on PC's using Joe Trotter's WinMDI software.
Do you have any idea of the existence of translaters. Joe Trotter
have mentioned a commercially available program, HP reader, which B-D
have used in their PC-LYSYS package. HP reader itself is not available in
Scandinavia, however.

Alternatively, we must establish some serial connection of the HP system to
our PC's.


Bjarne Mller, MD
Dept. of Clinical Immunology
University Hospital of Aarhus


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