Sorting unfixed cells

Nicholson, Janet (jkn1@CIDHIV7.EM.CDC.GOV)
Thu, 22 Sep 94 15:08:00 EST

I sent a message earlier this week about a roundtable discussion at ISAC
dealing with the biosafety of sorting unfixed cells. As part of the
discussion, Janis Giorgi will discuss ways in which to determine whether
there is leakage of aerosols from the sort chamber using phage and e. coli
lawns. We are interested in hearing from others who may have some
experience using a non-biological system for doing the same thing. Ideally,
it would be a physical measure (one which does not rely on a biological
system for readout) that meets 2 criteria: 1) able to be sorted; and 2)
have a means by which to quantify the result.

Anyone with such information can e-mail me or call at (404) 639-3436.

Jan Nicholson
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA 30333

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