Re: fluo-3
Thu, 06 Oct 94 12:08:55

M.C. posted:

>>>> Anybody out there with experience with fluo-3?? We are trying to load an
NK cell line but the background labelling is too low. All our other cells
load well but not this NK cell line. Any suggestions would be welcomed.

Our mail system strips headers, so I am replying to mailing list.

One possibility to consider is P-glycoprotein (mdr) mediated efflux.
RE: 6. Homolya L, Hollo Z, Germann UA, Pastan I, Gottesman MM, Sarkadi B:
Fluorescent cellular indicators are extruded by the multidrug resistance
protein. J Biol Chem 268:21493-21496, 1993.

NK cells are reputed to be mdr active. Blocking with verapamil or cyclosporin
A may help.

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