john michie (
Thu, 27 Oct 94 12:50 GMT+200

25 Oct 1994 19:19:15 -500GMT
"Christine X. O'Connell" <>
Subject: ISAC XVIII Tutorial X

>Christine wrote:

>"I was unable to attend Tutorial X (Cell Cycle - Methods of Analysis) at
>ISAC XVIII .. I would like to get a copy of the tutorial handouts or
>notes... Can anyone help me???"

I was unable to attend the Lake Placid Congress (funding for travel to
Scientific Meetings are low priority in the New South Africa). Are there
plans by ISAC to make available the above mentioned handouts/notes? I'm
sure therewould be a large market. My interests lie in cell cycle DNA
analyses, proliferation markers, apoptosis,
clinical applications.

John Michie PhD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Gene Louw Building
Tygerberg Hospital
Cape Town 7505
South Africa
Tel: 027 21 938 4911 bleep 348

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