Joseph Trotter - Flow Cytometry (trotter@flosun.salk.edu)
Tue, 8 Nov 94 16:06:07 PST

Leon Martin Wrote:
If you haven't come across this problem before it goes as follows:
if you transfer an HP pascal program ( .CODE file) to another computer and
then transfer the file back from the remote computer to the HP, the HP will
not execute the program saying `it is not a CODE file'. Although the file
comes back with the same name, the HP operating system doesn't consider it
a .CODE file any longer!


Assuming you are running HP Pascal 3.22 in a BD Consort 32 config-
uration, the issue is in the file Owner/Group specification after ftp'ing
back to the HP from another system. For example, take the STARCOMP.CODE
in its installation directory:

-type- --code-- ---Last Change--- -----Status------ --size-- ------name------
Code -5582 10-09-91 16:24:44 666m 17u 9g 156160 STARCOMP.CODE
Data -5622 06-07-94 17:54:26 666m 17u 9g 42 ACF_IDS
Data -5622 10-09-91 16:24:50 666m 17u 9g 212 ACF_CV
Data -5622 10-09-91 16:24:53 666m 17u 9g 160 CALIBC_F1
Data -5622 10-29-93 16:41:18 666m 17u 9g 160 CALIBS_F1
Data -5622 10-09-91 16:24:59 666m 17u 9g 3072 ADDAPLCNFG

Note the Owner/Group specification (an integer 0 - 65535) is -5582 for the
CODE file, and -5622 for the others. After emulating a "restore" over
ethernet via ftp (binary - FACSNet transfer):

-type- --code-- ---Last Change--- -----Status------ --size-- ------name------
Hp-ux -5813 11-08-94 16:09:02 666m 17u 9g 3072 ADDAPLCNFG
Hp-ux -5813 11-08-94 16:09:20 666m 17u 9g 42 ACF_IDS
Hp-ux -5813 11-08-94 16:09:36 666m 17u 9g 212 ACF_CV
Hp-ux -5813 11-08-94 16:10:08 666m 17u 9g 156160 STARCOMP.CODE

Note the Owner/Group specification gets laid down as -5813 by the Fusion
product (FACSNet). Now, you'd think that you could easily use the (horrid)
little Filer utility and the Hfs command to hack this number back to -5582
somehow (Consort System 32 User's Guide, 5-41 -> 5-43), but I can't see how
this number can be modified with Hfs. What we need to know is: Under Pascal,
how do we do the Unix equivalent of 'chmod a+x <filename>' to restore
execute permissions on a file. Maybe one of BD's Pascal guys could help?


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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone: (765)-494-0757; FAX(765) 494-0517; Web http://www.cyto.purdue.edu , EMAIL cdrom3@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu