RE: Software/Data Repository & HP software

Leon Martin (
Fri, 11 Nov 1994 00:00:59 +1000


>successfully transfer HP programs by FTP is to use the Fusion package
>for the transfer, at both originating and receiving ends (it doesn't
>matter what kind of system is in the middle). Fusion for HP Pascal has
>an option ("quote type h") which will preserve the HP file type. Sorry,
>I don't use FACSNET much and can't say if the equivilent is in it.

Knowing that FACSnet is based on the Fusion software I've looked a bit at
trying to use this special Fusion option (I've read the Fusion manual but
only have the FACSnet software). However it doesn't look like BD supply
enough of the Fusion package in FACSnet to do this. I also thought that,
after leaving FACSnet in `server mode' I might be able to activate this
option from the remote end but I didn't get far with this approach either!
Wish I had bought the Fusion package!


| | Dr. Leon Martin,
/ | _ Dept. of Pathology & Immunology,
| |-------> ( ) Monash University Medical School,
\ | ~ Commercial Rd., Prahran, Victoria,
|____| /| Australia, 3181.
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