Re: Sorting Biohazards--second try

Robb Habbersett (robb@beatrice.LANL.GOV)
Tue, 15 Nov 94 11:32:40 MST


Is T.cruzi the trypanosome species that does NOT infect humans??
Even if that is the case, you should probably follow the same pre-
cautions as someone running viable AIDS infected human cells. Janis
Giorgi made some info available at Lake Placid describing how her
facility is run when analyzing and sorting such cells. Contact
Ingrid Schmid (310/206-7287) or also possibly Jose Matud in the same
lab ( he could direct you to the right
individual regarding biohazards. Personally, I would be very circum-
spect about putting T.cruzi anywhere near a sorter. Why not use
magnetic beads?

Robb Habbersett

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