Re: BD Vantage vs Coulter Elite

Robert Chervenak (
Tue, 29 Nov 94 09:21:57 CST


I recently ask the flow cytometry forum about advantages and
disadvantages of these two sorters and the answer (as you might have
guessed) was mixed. Overall, though, there was some agreement that the
Vantage might be a better sorter than the Elite, and that sorting on the
Vantage might be somewhat easier. Having seen both machines in action, I
would have to agree, although in terms of ease of sorting, the differences
between the two machines is small. My general impression is that for a
multi-operator machine, the Vantage is probably best.

Having said that...are these people NUTS??? A sorter available for the
use of various operators is an ill-advised concept at best. Hell, its
difficult enough to have a multi-use microscope without somebody screwing
it up, let alone a sorter. Although BD and Coulter would like us to
believe that sorting is sorting and anyone can do it, is just ain't so.
Without a single operator to monitor changes in the behavior of the
instrument, numerous problems will likely go undetected. Furthermore,
troubleshooting will be nearly impossible. And that is not to mention the
variability in the quality of instrument care that the various operators
will take with the sorter. I see fist-fights in your future if you have
anything to do with such a facility. I would advise the proponents of this

Best Wishes,

Rob Chervenak, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Co-Director - LSUMC Core Facility for Flow Cytometry

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