Re: Archive of Spectra?

Dave Coder (
Mon, 5 Dec 94 16:32:20 -0800

I think it's a very good idea. The format that you list is just the kind of
quality information that should be included (it would be good to have the pH
of the solution noted as well). That is, it adheres to the concept of
"traceable to reference material". A very useful addition would be plots of
emission and excitation spectra in the range over which the data were
collected. The Web server can easily handle graphical data. A plot in GIF or
JPEG format is all that is needed. I'll be happy to provide more information.

Dave Coder

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From: James Weaver 202-205-5037 FAX 202-205-4940 <@VM.CC.PURDUE.EDU:WEAVER@FDACD>
Subject: Archive of Spectra?
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At the recent ISAC meeting there was discussion of the archives that are being
established at Los Alamos for flow cytometry files. These currently include
examples of various types of data files to aid software developers.
I would like to propose that these archives be extended to include
excitation and emmision spectra of the various fluorochromes used in cytometry.
I would suggest that these be normalized to allow easy comparison and overlays
to evaluate compensation needs. I have added a possible file structure below but

I am very open to suggestions, additions, modifications etc. I would also like
some discussion on such issues of checking the calibration of
spectofluorimeters and measurement of fluors that need enzymatic processing (AM
esters). I am in the process of collecting some spectra that could be used to
start things off but contributions from others will be welcome once the format
is set. Thanks for your interest.

Jim Weaver
Division of Research & Testing
Laurel, MD

V: 301-594-5879 F: 301-594-3037 E: WEAVER@FDACD.CDER.FDA.GOV

[ Example of Fluorescence Spectrum Header]

Fluorescent Molecule: Rhodamine 123
Source: Sigma
Catalog #: R-8004
Concentration: 5.2 nM
Conjugated to: None
In: Water
Instrument: MacPherson
Collected by: James L. Weaver
Address: FDA, CDER, MOD-1
Address: 8301 Muirkirk Rd
Address: Laurel, MD 20708
Phone: 301-594-5879
FAX: 301-594-3037
Date: 12/5/94

Emmission Spectrum, Excitation at : 488 nm

nm Normalized Signal

505 0.322
506 0.365
699 0.001
700 0.000

Excitation Spectrum, Emmission at: 525 nm

nm Normalized Signal

400 0.001
401 0.000
504 0.911
505 0.873

End of File.

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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone: (765)-494-0757; FAX(765) 494-0517; Web , EMAIL