Re: Cellquest

Geoffrey Osborne (
Wed, 1 Feb 1995 09:07:08 +1100

re the following CellQuest query,

>1.polygon regions/gates are not point changeable after being set; like in
>Lysys (they can be resized only)

Correct me if I misunderstand what you wish do do but, if a polygonal region
is drawn (say on a dotplot), any point of the polygon is changeable by
making the region active, and then selecting "edit polygon" option under the
Gates menus. However in this mode, unlike Lysys II, it is not possible to
hold down the <shift> key and create an additional point or points to cover
a population of interest.
Hope this helps,
Geoffrey Osborne | ____ __ o Ahh!
Flow Cytometry (FACS LAB) | __ `\ <,_
John Curtin School of Medical Research, | __ (*)/ (*)
Australian National University, | ==============|
Email: | |--|...

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