(Fwd) Re: "phagotest" + "Bursttest"

Ress, S, Stan, Dr (SRESS@uctgsh1.uct.ac.za)
Mon, 6 Feb 1995 13:32:12 SAST-2

A query on the value of the above products was posted last year in
November, but I do not recall seeing any responses.

We are considering buying these kits, but would appreciate any info
from anyone who has tried them, before we do. We plan to try to use them
for both clinical use (evaluation of immune status) and research/experimental
use (PMN + M0 responses to bacteria).

I would appreciate getting some advice on this.



Stanley Ress
Clinical Immunology laboratory
H47 Old Main Bldg
Groote Schuur Hospital and UCT
Cape Town, 7925
South Africa

TEL:INTERN. + 021-7946176
FAX: " + 021-4486815
e-mail: SRESS@uctgsh1.uct.ac.za

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