SOBR references (was:<no subject>)
Tue, 14 Feb 95 19:15:51 -0500

Ray asked about references to the sum of broadened rectangles (SOBR) model:

Bruce Bagwell provides a good overview and brief mathematical discussion of
DNA analysis in the following book. (If you've ever wanted to "build" your
own ModFit, this would be the place to start.) :) For SOBR, see especially
pp. 49-50.

Bagwell B: Theoretical aspects of data analysis. In: Clinical Flow
Cytometry: Principles and Application, Bauer K, Duque R, Shankey V (eds).
Williams & Wilkins, 1993, pp. 41-61.

Bruce gives this reference for SOBR:

Bagwell B: Theory and application of DNA histogram analysis [Dissertation].
Florida: University of Miami. ERIC/EDRS ED 299 130, 1979.

Phill Dean describes SOBR with less detail in the following "classic". The
SOBR discussion is on pp. 422-423. Phill also references Bruce's dissertation/
PhD thesis.

Dean P: Data processing. In: Flow Cytometry and Sorting, 2nd ed., Melamed M,
Lindmo T, Mendelsohn M (eds). Wiley-Liss, Inc., 1990, pp. 415-444.

Alice Givan briefly discusses SOBR (and lists it in her glossary), then
references Phill Dean.

Givan A: Flow Cytometry: First Principles. Wiley-Liss, Inc., 1992, pp. 115-116,

Dean P: Data analysis in cell kinetics. In: Techniques in Cell Cycle
Analysis, Gray J, Darzynkiewicz Z (eds). Humana Press, 1987, pp. 207-253.

Dean P: Methods of data analysis in flow cytometry. In: Flow Cytometry:
Instrumentation and Data Analysis, Van Dilla M, et al. (eds). Academic
Press, 1985, pp. 195-221.

Finally, Howard (who doesn't need a last name) :) gives his opinion about
the whole matter, and gives the same references as Alice did, as well as a
third reference to a comparison of models (not included here). (Sorry,
Howard, I have not updated to the 3rd edition yet.) :)

Shapiro H: Practical Flow Cytometry, 2nd ed. Alan R. Liss, Inc., 1988, pp.

I would recommend that all flow labs have access (if not their own copies)
to the 4 books that I used. They are excellent references, and each has its
own strengths.

/\/\/\_ Eric Van Buren,
\ \ \ Immunology & Microbiology
\_^_/ Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA

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