Alternative cytometry hardware and methods

Matthew J Shaw (
Fri, 10 Mar 1995 16:29:55 -0500 (EST)

Hello all!

I've been monitoring this cytometry bulletin board for quite a few
months now and am quite impressed with the amount of knowledge this
elite circle possesses. Hopefully someone out there can help me out.
I was wondering whether anyone has worked with one of two Japanese
companies which may manufacture flow cytometers, namely SHOWA DENKO
and OMRON. Also, is Abbott Labs thinking of manufacturing flow
cytometers? I've only heard rumors and would appreciate any
references on these three companies and their involvement in flow
cytometry. Perhaps there are other manufacturers (besides Coulter,
BD, etc., not that there is anything wrong with these companies!)???

Additionally, I've come across some references about microsphere
technology and flow cytometry, including detection of certain toxins
and viruses. This appears to be a promising method of analyte
detection (low level concentration detection). Are there other
(perhaps similar) methods of low-level analyte detection?

Any open discussion on these matters would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Matt Shaw
Phone: (614) 424-4075

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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone: (765)-494-0757; FAX(765) 494-0517; Web , EMAIL