membrane and nuclear protein

Antony Bakke (
Tue, 21 Mar 95 09:49:38 PST

Becton-Dickinson has a method for three color labeling for cell
surface antigens, cytoplasmic antigens and DNA content. This
could be modified to allow staining of cell surface and nuclear
antigens. I have not tried this particular method, but I have
labeled two surface antigens and DNA. You must do the surface
labeling first before fixing. The reference B-D gives is
Schmid, Uittenbogaart and Giorgi. A gentle fixation and
permeabilization method for combined cell surface and
intracellular staining with improved precision in DNA
quantification. Cytometry 1991; 12: 279-285. You could ask
your local B-D rep for a copy. Also Caltag makes a simple Fix
and Perm kit that should work for this purpose. Other companies
have similar products, or your can make your own reagents.

Good luck. Tony Bakke (

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