Core facility workshop
Tue, 28 Mar 95 15:26:10 -0500

Larry Seamer wrote:
>Last year, at the ISAC congress in Lake Placid, Julie Auger and I
>organized an ad hoc workshop for core facilities managers. The
>workshop was so well received that we are asking the organizing
>committee for the Rimini Congress in 1996 to include it in the
>formal schedule.
>I would like to ask the subscribers to this newsgroup to express
>their opinions on that idea. Would it be useful to hold this workshop
>again? If so, what would you like to see included?

I gathered from the response to the workshop at Lake Placid that
there is a great deal of interest in this topic. That room was
packed and there was insufficient time to cover all of the issues
that those in attendance wanted to discuss. I definitely think that
there should be a more formal (although not with regard to the
program of the workshop itself) recognition of this workshop. I
also would like to offer a few suggestions. I think that there should
be a survey to see what issues are on the minds of most of the core
facility directors. (Again, from the Lake Placid meeting there is
a pretty good background to work from).

For some of the issues (such as type of data storage, who does the
analysis, how much do you charge, how much do you pay, etc.) the
survey could gather data to be presented at the workshop. I think
that individuals who are interested and know they will be in attendance
could be given areas of interest (see above) to research and present.
This could result in some very pertinent information making its way
onto a handout to be given to attendees either ahead of time to stimulate
interest and discussion or at the workshop for people to use as ammo
when they get home. There is also the age old issue of academic vs.
industry and clinical vs. research and us vs. them, etc. that could
be taken into consideration. But most of all, we need a good allotment
of time to accomodate any and all discussion (sometimes it is beneficial
just to know that someone else has the same thing to bitch about).
Just one opinion,


Keith A. Kelley *
Institute for Research Technologies * "A wink is as good
Miles Research Center * as a nod.........
400 Morgan Lane Ph 203-937-2872 * to a blind horse"
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