Re: Apoptosis by FACS Protocols ?

N.J.Goulding (
Thu, 20 Apr 1995 15:27:13 +0100 (BST)

On Fri, 14 Apr 1995, Matthias Haury wrote:

> I'm looking for protocols and techniques to identify apoptotic cells on the
> FACS. Any methods or references are wellcome (I want to evaluate a bit
> what's already existing before deciding if I have to develop a new one...).

Hi there,

We have come across a novel method for detecting apoptotic cells. It is
based upon increased phosphatidyl serine exposure on the outer leaflet
of the plasma membrane by cells undergoing apoptosis. This can be
detected using FITC-labelled annexin V.

The method is published by:-

Koopman G. et al Blood 1994 84,1415-1420

This method works nicely for lymphocytes in our hands. With PI
dual staining you can also distinguish apoptotic from dead cells.

All the best

Nick Goulding

Arthritis Research Unit,
St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London
00 44 171 982 6128
Fax 00 44 171 982 6076

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