K/L reagents -Reply

Mon, 24 Apr 1995 14:32:41 -0500

Hi marc,

Presently, we are using monoclonal antibodies (FAB'2) from Dako.
Depending on the application, we use a 2 colour, and a 3 colour
method. We have not experienced any difficulties. The reagent is
titered before routine use. Reagent is available in either conjugated

We express the percent positive cells (CD19+,kappa+, or lambda+ ) as
a percentage of the total cells. I would be interested in finding out
if other labs report K/L as percent of B cells only.

I hope the information may be useful to you Marc.


Paul Harris voice (519) 646 6100 ext 5918
Fax (519) 646 6088
Email paulh@stj.stjosephs.london.on.ca
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I'd be appreciative if you could post any responses you get that are
not sent through Purdue.

I have struggled and continue to do so with this issue. I prefer to
use a three tube, three-color analysis:
1) isotyope/19/45
2) kappa/19/45
3) lambda/19/45

I prefer to use monoclonal reagents. I had been using Caltag's
PE*conjugated light chains, but their lambda*PE just went south, so
I've switched to using their FITC light chains. It seems that their
lambda is better in FITC and kappa is better in PE.

I'm really not happy with their lot-to-lot variation, but have yet to
find an
_affordable_ alternative for monoclonal reagents,

I have contacted a company called Chromaphobe, who carry these
reagents, but after promising to send me a catalog several weeks ago,
they've failed to follow up.

Thanks for any help you might offer.

Marc Langweiler voice (603) 650-4924
DMS Pathology fax (603) 650-6120 marcl@dartmouth.edu


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