Re: bernoullis yet again and again

Calman Prussin (
Fri, 28 Apr 95 11:38:02 EST

Not meaning to beat this topic into the ground, but...the "very cheap deal on
230Mb bernoulli drives" does not necessarily save you money in the long term.

The low initial cost of the brenoulli drives is misleading, because the
magneto-optical (optical disk) media is significantly cheaper. For example,
assume you want to store 2 GB, which is probably an underestimate if you have
a number of users who each like to have their own disk. The below prices were
taken from the current Mac &PC connection.

Bernoulli System
Iomega 230 MB Drive 500.00
8 230 MB bernoulli's @ $90 each 720.00

Pinnacle Tahoe 230 MO Drive 789.00
8 230 MB 31/2" MO disks @ 35.00 280.00

Any greater storage needs yield savings for the MO system. Even imagining you
can get the 230 bernoulli drive for $350.00, you will come out even at the 2GB
mark and lose $ thereafter.

You mention "users are more apt to buy either these drives", so perhaps you
are buying multiple drives, in which case my numbers may not reflect your
specific situation.

---------------------- Replied Message Body ----------------------
Date: 4-27-95 3:10pm
From: {Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU (Alice L. Givan)}:unix:niaid
To: calman prussin:10:niaid
Subj: Re: bernoullis yet again


--- You wrote:
Bernoulli vs. Syquest vs. 230 MB optical disks in MacUser in approx. Jan-Mar.
of '95.
--- end of quoted material ---
Thanks for the information and the reference to the MacUser article. We have
got a very cheap deal on 230Mb bernoulli drives -- and we feel that users are
more apt to buy either these drives or else to have CD-Roms. But everyone
keeps telling me how wonderful the opticals are.....

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