re: Experience with CellQuest + LC 630/Powermac ??
Mon, 8 May 95 18:18:11 -0400

Matthias Haury asked about Apple Macintoshes and BDIS software:
>1. We have to buy soon a couple of analysis stations for the BDIS
>Cellquest program (as well as perhaps for Attractors). Does anyone already
>have experience on using any of those programs with:
>Mac LC630 (68LC040 33 Mhz, 16 Mb RAM, no FPU) System 7.1 or/and 7.5
>PowerMac 7100 (601,66-80 Mhz, 16 Mb RAM) System 7.1.2 or/and 7.5
>I tried Attractors (no FPU) on the PowerMac 7100/66/Sys 7.1.2 and it
>crashes all the time (runs into never ending calculations), however it
>works on the 68040 of a Quadra 800.
>I would of course like to buy Powermacs if possible, but if there is no
>speed advantage and BDIS is not going native for another 2 years (that's
>what the French BDIS told me), maybe a LC 630 is the best deal ???

I only have experience with Attractors. Our setup is:

Quadra 800 (68040 33 MHz, 8 MB RAM) System 7.1, 7.1.2
PowerMac 800 (601 66 MHz, 8 MB RAM) System 7.1.2

(A PowerMac 800 is a Quadra 800 with a PowerMac Upgrade Card installed in
the Processor Direct Slot [PDS]). So, actually, the Quadra 800 and the
PowerMac 800 are the same machine; the CPU is determined at startup, either
the 040 or the 601.

I just tried the both FPU- and nonFPU-Attractors on the Q800. The nonFPU
version was computationally slower, but still quite usable. I imagine the
LC630 would be comparable in speed.

Apple makes a Macintosh Processor Upgrade Card for Macintosh Quadra 63x
computers. This should turn your LC630 into a PowerMac 630, 601 66 MHz,
or roughly the equivalent of a PowerMac 7100/66. This way, you should have
"the best of both worlds"; that is, an LC630 to run 040 programs, and a
PM630 to run 601 programs. Since I do not have direct experience with an
LC630, I would suggest that you verify Attractors will run on the LC630 at
a speed acceptible to you; also, you should verify that the Macintosh
Processor Upgrade Card functions in a manner acceptible to you.

Good luck!

/\/\/\_ Eric Van Buren,
\ \ \ Immunology & Microbiology
\_^_/ Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA

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