Apoptosis Question

Bill Justice (billj@sound.net)
Wed, 7 Feb 1996 18:48:42 -0600 (CST)

I read a few of the back articles regarding this topic. I did some MedLine
searches and haven't found what I need yet. So I have turned here for
opinions and advice.

I have a few investigators interested in studying apoptosis. I have not had
much experience with this and need some ideas on various aspects. I do not
prefer fixation if at all possible. I need something easy and reliable. I am
limited to use of PI.

Should I use detergent or not?
Should I use linear or log?
Should I use RNase or not?
How long can I incubate the samples before analysis?
Is gating absolutely necessary (width vs area or FSS vs Area)?

I know that many are going to receive this and when you reply you won't know
that others have replied, so feel free to send directly to my email rather
than the group to prevent everyone reading all the responses when they may
not wish to.

\|||||/ |
| ^ ^ | |
| @ - | | Bill Justice
( ) | Shawnee, Kansas
--oOOO--(_)--OOOo-- | BillJ@Sound.Net
" Just when I figure things | McTull@AOL.COM
out, they don't change the |
rules, they cancel the game "|

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