Re: DR+ activated T cells - how best to isolate?

Roger Burger (
Thu, 8 Feb 1996 10:43:29 -0700


There are competitive anti-idiotiypic antibodies which have a higher
affinity for the antibody on the bead than do the cell receptors. These
antibodies will displace the cells from the beads. Dynal sells a product
called Detachabead which works this way. Mix these antibodies with the
bead-cell mixture for one hour at room temp., with light agitation and the
beads release nicely.

> I've been trying to isolate CD8+ activated T cells expressing DR
>MHCII molecules on their surface using immunomagnetic beads. Unfortunately,
>the beads don't readily separate from the cells afterwards in culture
>overnight, and I often can't get enough cells for FACS analysis. Does
>anyone know of a gentle way of coaxing lymphocytes off from immunomagnetic
>beads - one that won't also alter the cells drastically, as I assume
>trypsin would? I would greatly appreciate any comments; please send them
>directly to :
> Thaks for your time.
>Mark Pavlick


Roger A. Burger E-mail:
Research Immunologist
Center for Persons with Disabilities
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322-6895
Voice: 801-797-2042
FAX: 801-797-2044

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