liposomes anyone?

Steve G. Hilliard (
Tue, 12 Mar 1996 11:00:05 +0000

Hi folks,

I was approached the other day by a researcher who wants to analyze
submicron membrane vesicles by flow. They can detect the activity of
membrane-bound ion channels using cuvets--they look at side-scatter,
and see an increase in that signal when they add K+. Over time the
normal vesicles return to their normal size and SSC drops back to
baseline. (The plots look just like Ca++ or any other kinetics
experiment!) The increased side-scatter corresponds to shrinking of
these vesicles. Has anyone ever had any luck with these little guys?
I'm not even sure we'll be able to detect them, although I'm wondering
about sticking them to larger beads, sort of like a carrier.
The thing that worries me is that one of the ultimate goals is to
sort responders from non-responders, but you know what SSC looks
like when the bimorph is on... Anyone?

Steve (not really holding my breath on this one)
Steve G. Hilliard Cell Analysis Facility
University of Georgia

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