Re: Isotype Controls

Albert D Donnenberg, PhD (
Wed, 27 Mar 1996 15:04:16 EST5EDT

While we are beating isotype controls to death, I should mention one
case where we find them helpful: In 3-color studies we often use one
color as a gate (e.g. CD34 plus side scatter) and the other 2 colors
to define subpopulations (e.g. HLA-DR and CD38). Since the gated population
has very different nonspecific fluorescence than the ungated cells,
and since the subpopulations are not always as clear as one would
like, a CD34- isotype-isotype control is very useful. Note that the
usual isotype-isotype-isotype control would be of no value in this
situation since it tells you nothing about nonspecificic binding
in the population of interest (in this example CD34+ cells).
Albert D. Donnenberg, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
Voice: (412) 624-9596
Fax: (412) 624-9624

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