HeNe lasers and Tex Rd

Rochelle A. Diamond (diamond@cco.caltech.edu)
Mon, 1 Apr 1996 14:39:29 -0800 (PST)

I need a little information from those with experience. I have heard
that the HeNe 590 yellow laser is capable of measuring Texas Red for 4 &
5 color immunofluoresence. What are people's experiences with this? Is
it still better to go with an Argon/Dye laser with rhodamine 6G? Are
there new HeNe lasers that are more powerful than 2mWs? We need to
upgrade our Coulter Elite for 4 and 5 color. I would sure like to get
opinions on the easiest way to accomplish this task. Suggestions for
fluoroprobes and filter setups are also welcome.


Rochelle Diamond
Caltech Flow Cytometry/Cell Sorting Facility

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