Re: using flow for B cell/plasma cell evaluation

Joshua Epstein (
Fri, 05 Apr 1996 10:43:02 -0500 (CDT)

At 06:16 PM 4/4/96 -0500, Mike wrote:
>Regarding B/Plasma cells. Take a look at the paper we published in Blood
>76:1739-1747, 1990, identifying plasma cells by CD38. The lack of mature B
>lymphoid antigens and intensity of CD38 can be used to resolve these

Distiguishing plasma cells from B cells by the level of CD38 expression
alone is not sufficient if you are interested in recognizing all plasma
cells. Even adding CD45 works only in normal samples. In the case of
malignancy (myeloma) or reactive situations, many plasma cells express
various levels of CD45. While you may be able to purify (sort) plasma cells
by high CD38 expression, or high CD35 negative CD45, you will miss plasma
cells that have not matured completely. Loss of B cell (and all other)
antigen expression is a gradual process, and not always completely
synchronized, especially not in stress situations. You can look in Blood
81:3357-3364, 1993.


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