Fwd: using flow for B cell/plasma cell evaluation

Fri, 5 Apr 1996 20:59:30 -0500

Forwarded message:
Subj: Re: using flow for B cell/plasma cell evaluation
Date: 96-04-05 20:49:13 EST
From: NikitaYin
To: cyto-inbox

The examples in the paper you cited indicate CD38 intensity could be used to
identify plasma cells. Of course, it is essential to perform cytoplasmic
kappa vs. lambda light chain immunoglobulin to prove clonality in abnormal
plasma cell populations. Less than 10% of the cases of monoclonal plasma
cells match the CD38 expression on lymphoblasts (in cases of plasma cell
leukemia), and in these instances, other criteria such as CD45 and light
scatter could be used to distinguish the cells. As you know, the definition
of complex populations by a single parameter is dangerous at best.

Denise A. Wells, M.D.

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