re: Membrane polarization

Michael Fox (MFox@vines.ColoState.EDU)
Tue, 23 Apr 96 10:19:06 MDT

Jan Bly inquired about measuring fluorescence polarization using TMA-DPH with
flow cytometry. Tom Delohery and I published a paper on fluorescence
polarization using DPH in Cytometry 8: 20-25, 1987 describing how to set up a
Coulter EPICS instrument and what the filter requirements are. While the BD
machine you have will be somewhat different, the basic principles are the
same. Later studies I have done with Joe Dynlacht using TMA-DPH to measure
membrane fluidity use the same filters and principles. I suggest you read
this paper and then let me know if you have other specific questions.

Mike Fox
Colorado State University

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