H-Y antigen continued

Karen Henell (henellk@ohsu.edu)
Tue, 23 Apr 1996 09:40:50 -0700

In response to my request for a source of antibody to H-Y antigen, on
4/6/96, John Ladasky wrote: "One of the hallmarks of minor
histocompatibility antigens is that they are MHC-restricted. Thus it is
very difficult, if not impossible, to generate antibody-mediated reponses
to them. "

Very difficult, John, but obviously not impossible, as the following
references will attest. For our purposes, we only want a way to tag male
leukocytes in a field of female-origin cells, so a non-human source
antibody will serve best.

I'll renew my request to see if anyone besides Kathy Ragheb knows anyone
with experience using anti-H-Y as a reagent. Anybody out there? -Karen

1. Veerhuis R. Hendriksen PJ. Hengst AM. Kruijt L. Tieman M. Booman
The production of anti-H-Y monoclonal antibodies: their potential use
in a sex test for bovine embryos.
Veterinary Immunology & Immunopathology. 42(3-4):317-30, 1994 Sep

2. Hendriksen PJ. Tieman M. Van der Lende T. Johnson LA.
Binding of anti-H-Y monoclonal antibodies to separated X and Y
chromosome-bearing porcine and bovine sperm.
Molecular Reproduction & Development. 35(2):189-96, 1993 Jun.

3. Su H. Kozak CA. Veerhuis R. Lau YF. Wiberg U.
Isolation of a phylogenetically conserved and testis-specific gene
using a monoclonal antibody against the serological H-Y antigen.

Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 21(3):275-91, 1992 Apr.

4. Iliopoulos D. Atkinson B. Saul SH. Herlyn M. Rodriguez-Martinez HA.
West SL. Maislin G. Soloway RD. Strom BL.
Differences in antigen expression between neoplastic and nonneoplastic
gallbladder epithelium. An immunohistochemical study.
Digestive Diseases & Sciences. 38(1):155-60, 1993 Jan.

Karen Henell
Oregon Health Sciences University

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