Re: powermac/cellquest

Matthias Haury (
Thu, 25 Apr 1996 08:53:30 +0100

I've successfully run Cellquest 1.2.1 (get at least this version if not
even the 1.2.2) on various different powermacs for analysis with different

PowerMac 6200 Sys 7.5.1
PowerMac 7500 Sys 7.5.2 and 7.5.3
PowerMac 8500 Sys 7.5.2 and 7.5.3

And a couple of others more (also Power 7100 etc).. and in none of the
cases I have had any problems (except of the known compatibility problem
with some MS Office ODBC Extesions.. ). So I think, for analysis you can
buy pretty much any config that you want... FACSConvert also works on all
of them

Hope that helps..


At 15:02 24/04/96, Marcia Woda wrote:
>Sorry to bother you with this: I need some suggestions for Power Mac
>configurations and O/S that fairly successfully run Cellquest 1.1.1, analysis
>only. I will make the large assumption that FACSconvert will also run on a
>power mac. Thankyou for any advice or warnings.

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