Re: energy transfer

Lustyik Gyorgy (
Fri, 3 May 1996 00:10:34 +0200 (MET DST)

Imad Nadra writes:

> ... We're hoping to assess the proximity of two cell surface
molecules, using > fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). We
have antibodies directly > conjugated to FITC and R.PE and would like
to use them to answer the question, > using FRET. ....

A possible mehod that allows you to measure fluorescence resonance
energy transfer was described in the following papers:

Szollosi et al., Cytomery, 5:210-216. 1984. Szollosi et al., Cytomery,
8:120-128. 1987, and Tron et al., Biophys.J. 45:939-946. 1984.

We have a free software to calculate FRET efficiency based on the above

The software is a DOS application written in a language called FCAP
BASIC. It requires the FCB interpreter, which is also a free software.

Both required software files and a brief description of FCAP BASIC will
be available on the following World Wide Web site, within a few days:

The files can be downloaded from the site via internet. For help and
further information please contact the developers at
The software can be changed easily to meet your special needs, too.
Best regards, Gyorgy Lustyik

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