RE: FACS calibur filter problems

Pizzo,Eugene (
Thu, 10 Apr 1997 07:29:16 -0400


I checked out my machine and I agree that this could be a problem.
However, on the machine here there is a clip on the rail in the front
right side as you face toward the machine that keeps the filter
supported high in the rail. Also the filter is kept slightly bent in the
rail which raises it up somewhat as well (in the Calibur). You might want
to check these
aspects, as my filter only catches the tubing from the waste and sheath
and that doesn't prevent the drawer from opening smoothly.

My FACScan air filter is identical to the one I have in the Calibur,
ALFCO-typeDXA, and the service engineer has always reminded me
to be certain that I install the filter with the etched arrow facing up -
perhaps this could help.

Gene Pizzo
From: william nostrom
To: cyto-inbox
Subject: FACS calibur filter problems
Date: Wednesday, April 09, 1997 8:08AM

Hello Flowers
This is for all of you who have use the FACS Calibur. I have been having
problems with the laser air filter on my instrument. This is the filter that

sits above the sheath/ waste drawer, and below the laser assembly. Everytime
open the drawer, the sheath tank fluid resistor cap catches the edge of the
filter and tears it apart. I ahve gone through four filters within a very

period of time because of this. I have an alder FACScan, and I compared the
filters, and have noticed that the filter on the calibur is about 1/8 of an
thicker than that on the Scan. I also believe that the older filter is made
sturdier. I ahve called BD about this, and theu assured me that they would

into it, but haven't heard of anyone else having problems.
My question then, IS anyone else having these problems? I just ordered these

filters, so I am thinkng that they may just be defective. If anyone is
problems, you should call the BD customer support number.

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