Woo, Gary (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 15:06:01 -0700

Dear flow people

does anyone have experience with a flow-based proliferation method that
doesn't require a lot of cells? i'm looking to measure cytokine dose
response from cell lines. the Brdu kits call for about a million cells
per test.

ideally, i want to titer the cytokine and culture the cells in 96 well
microtiter plates, and seed with 10E+03 or 10E+04 cells per well.

greatly appreciate if anyone has a method that can measure cell prolif
with so few cells or an alternative to 96well plates that can give
standard curve information.


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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone: (765)-494-0757; FAX(765) 494-0517; Web , EMAIL