Drappa, Joern M.D. (
Tue, 23 May 95 20:57:00 PDT

In response to Mr Blackhall's comments:

>Not only is your message of interest to only a subset of readers

That is probably true for every single posting in this mailing list; the
subset of readers to whom the NIH funding cuts are of interest is likely to
be a rather large one.

>I question the relevance to a cytomety mailing list.

It would appear to me that the prospect of a 6% chance of getting NIH funds
for research next year (as opposed to a 25% chance this year) is eminently
relevant to most researchers participating in discussions on this list.

>May I suggest that in future you restrict such material to the
>approriate newsgroups, perhaps a science policy related group?

I suggest that in future you skip messages you deem irrelevant instead of
trying to censor their authors.

Best regards,

Joern Drappa
Hospital for Special Surgery/Cornell Medical Center
New York

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