Re: colour overlap HELP!

Mario Roederer (ROEDERER@Darwin.Stanford.EDU)
Mon, 21 Aug 1995 08:42:29 -0700 (PDT)

Marty Bigos, Aaron Kantor and David Parks did a study on this several
years ago (a poster at ISAC, I believe). There is a reasonable amount
of PE excitation by the dye laser. Your options are a couple: (1) use
a dim dye on PE... and a bright dye on TR. (2, the better option):
shift the dye laser to about 606 nm. Compared to 598 nm, PE has about
40% of the emission in the TR channel, whereas TR has about 85% - an
improvement of better than 2/1 (signal to "crossover"). APC did not
suffer any loss of signal.


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