Unit gravity sedimentation

Paul C. Dolber (dolber@cs.duke.edu)
Wed, 27 Sep 95 13:49:11 -0400

Although the emphasis of this mailing list is certainly on flow
cytometry, it seems to be the most likely place to get some
information about devices for separating cells based on size
using unit gravity sedimentation. Having just finished a Medline
search on unit gravity sedimentation and tracked down a few papers,
I have found that very few papers mention where one may obtain the
devices they use for unit gravity sedimentation. Additionally,
some of the devices are no longer available, e.g., the Cel-Sep
apparatus originally sold by Wescor, then by DuPont and later by
Brinkman, and now apparently by no one.

If you know how I can contact any vendors of unit gravity sedimentation
devices (e.g., Cel-Sep, Sta-Put, or any of several unnamed others),
please drop me a line. Also please drop me a line if you've got one
you'd like to get rid of, or could lend to me for a trial run or two.

Regards, and thanks, Paul (dolber@cs.duke.edu).

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