Re: CellQuest and Mac crashes

Derek Davies (
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 10:00:23 +0000 (GMT)

Here at the ICRF, I have been using Q650s attached to both a FACScan and
a FACS Vantage. Both are using CellQuest v1.1.1, but the Vantage Mac has
System 7.1 and the FACScan System 7.5. Although I know that people have
reported problems with System 7.5, like David, we have had none in the 4
months that we have been using it. In fact it does appear more stable than
when we were using System 7.1.

David, the disappearance of the parameter description dialog window is
common to all configurations as far as I can see, and it is extremely
annoying (especillay when are users are convinced that all is lost!). The
window doesnt actually disappear but goes to the background. Changing the
monitor to 832x624, if you can, will help as the acq window and parameter
description window can be kept separate.

We did have some problems with a v 1.0 version of CellQuest that wouldnt
allow us to choose a folder other than the default and would not allow
ANY change of filename (I know that file shraing can affect this, but it
was turned off). This disappeared when we upgraded to v1.1.1.

Hope taht this is of some help.

Derek Davies
Imperial Cancer Research Fund

On Fri, 20 Oct 1995, David Chambers wrote:

> Joe wrote:
> >
> > We've been running CellQuest 1.1.1 on 4 instruments (Quadra 650's)
> >and on a PowerPC 8100/100AV (System 7.5). No problems - the System 7.1 has been
> >patched on the Quadras with the Apple System Update 3.0. Get it from Apple
> >( in pub/apple_sw_updates/US/.... ) or get the macbinary
> >(sys3.0_update.sea.bin) anonymous ftp from in /pub/mac.
> The hqx'ed
> >one at Apple is large (2.3MB), the bin is a little smaller (1.6MB).
> >
> I've been running CellQuest 1.1.1 on a Facscan and Facstar+ (also Quadra 650's)
> under System 7.5.1 for several months now. We haven't seen any major problems.
> In fact there seem to be less crashes now than under System 7.1. The program
> has the odd hiccup communicating with the Sentinel Eve dongle, popping up
> a message saying it can't find it, but this is only an irritation (need to
> click "OK")
> and happened under System 7.1 also. The only thing I have been able to find
> that might be peculiar to CellQuest/System 7.5 is that an open parameter
> description
> window (the one containing the folder and filename options) routinely disappears
> from sight as soon as you move a region! (?!)
> -- David.

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