Re: FACScan cleanup - Washing solutions ???

Dean Hewish (
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 13:53:17 +1000

I'm just interested in the current washing - cleanup solution that people
>use for cleaning their machines. Our FACScans systematically get clogged up
>because the hypochlorite solution (supposedly 1 %) forms cristals in the
>stock solution.. the only solution is to prepare fresh every day (which I'm
>too lazy to do...).
>Is there anyother detergent/solution that people use to cleanup that
>doesn't have this problem ??

It is not good form to plug commercial products on this forum, but
Coulter's detergent solution "Clenz" is hard to beat for keeping flow cells

Dean R. Hewish, Cell Biologist & Flow Cytometrist. ( and Amateur Malacologist)
CSIRO Biomolecular Engineering, 343 Royal Parade, Parkville, 3052,
Victoria Australia.

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