Re: reference managment software?

Stephen G. Kayes (
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 09:30:27 -0600 (CST)


I am an extremely happy user of Papyrus v.7 from Research
Software Development. The program is technically a DOS program but can
run in window while your wordprocessor is functioning. You can search
your references by indexed terms, keywords, au, years, journals,
publishers, or any combination and then paste them to the clipboard and
then paste them into the document under preparation. Finally, when the
document is done Papyrus will "Text Extract" the document, replace the
pasted references with what ever format of citation you want (1,2,3... or
Smith & Wesson, 1995), and collect all the references into a file which
then can be imported to the end of the "new" document as the literature
cited. Lastly, the Papyrus data matrix is virtually unlimited so you
have as many references as you have disc space. And speaking of disc
space, the program can save abstracts with the references as well as
comments which are all separate from key words. I personally subscribe
to a weekly reference service and I import those referencs into my
Papyrus data base including the keywords. I put an asterisk in as a key
word to signify that I have a copy of the paper (somewhere in my office
or lab). Hope this is the kind of help you were looking for.

Steve Kayes
/\ /\//\/######/ /\/#######\ ! Stephen G. Kayes, Ph.D. !
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On Tue, 31 Oct 1995, Steve G. Hilliard wrote:

> Hopefully not too far off the mark, but I'm sure most of us must
> serve as cytometry information resources for our users. Does anyone
> have any direct experience with any of the bibliographic packages
> available (Endnote, Papyrus, Reference Manager, etc)? I'm looking
> for a Windows package to manage my literature references, allowing me
> to assemble reference lists pertaining to particular cell types,
> applications etc. Obviously I'd like for it to cooperate with my
> word processor (MS Word), but I also need the ability to import
> straight text files (after scanning and OCR) and to import from
> online databases and CD-ROM services. Anyone have any opinions to
> share?
> TIA,
> Steve
> *********************************************************
> Steve G. Hilliard Cell Analysis Facility
> University of Georgia
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> "Why is it that some people consider 'Garbage In, garbage
> Out' to be a challenge rather than a truism?"
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