Help an Australian colleague?

Nicholas Terry (
Mon, 07 Oct 1996 08:01:12 -0500

Greetings all,
This is a request for anyone in the antipodes who may be able to help a
colleague. Chris Milross spent a couple of years in our department and has
now returned to Australia bearing with him some still unanalysed flow data.
He is used to Multicycle and Multi2d but would be grateful to access any
analytical software to help him finish a project. If there is anyone in the
NSW neighbourhood who could allow him access this would be much appreciated.
His address is
Dr. Chris Milross,
Institute of Oncology,
Prince of Wales Hospital,
High Street,
Randwick, 2031
Fax:(61)-2-382-2550 , eMail: <MILROSS@RADONC.POW.UNSW.EDU.AU>.
Thanks for any help,

Nicholas Terry, Ph.D.,
Experimental Radiation Oncology - 066,
The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
1515 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, Texas 77030 USA.
Phone: 713-792-3424 Fax: 713-794-5369

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