ISAC 1997 Sam Latt Conference

Dave Coder (
Wed, 23 Oct 96 17:20:57 -0700

The 1997 Sam Latt Conference is the first of a series of thematic ISAC
meetings that will be held every two years between the biannual main ISAC
Scientific Congresses. These conferences are named in honor of the
distinguished geneticist Sam Latt, who made outstanding contributions to the
field of analytical cytology. They are intended to allow in depth exploration
of themes of emerging interest and to promote interaction with researchers
who are outside the regular ISAC circle.

You can retrieve the detailed program and registration forms on the ISAC Web
Page under ISAC Congresses. Details regarding submission of abstracts will be
announced later.

Dave Coder
Editor, ISAC WWW Home Page

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