Re: APC summary

Mario Roederer (Roederer@Beadle.Stanford.EDU)
Thu, 19 Dec 96 16:51:58 -0800

> Apparently, the conjugation with APC can be tricky. For
> bright antigens, a good alternative is using Cy5 (kits
> from Amersham), or one of the long wavelength BODIPY
> dyes from Molecular Probes to make antibody conjugates.

Actually, APC conjugations are relatively straightforward. With purified APC on
hand, the entire procedure takes about 4-6 hours, requiring 3 quick columns--all
on the lab bench.
Detailed protocols for APC conjugation, as well as PE, tandems, and small
organic fluorescent molecules, can be found at

By the way, Cy5 is a good replacement for APC only if you are using a HeNe laser
(or equivalent wavelength). Cy5 is NOT efficiently excited by dye lasers
operating near 600 nm (but it does, however, fluoresce some at that excitation


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