Reordering INITS on a Mac

Susan & Ulrik Sprogøe-Jakobsen (S&
Mon, 18 Dec 1995 22:10:45 +0100

Answer to Dennis Young

1) Apple File Exchange is a very unstable application. I have also had a
lot of System freezes and force quits al of with MacOS 7.1, 7.5, 7.5.1 and
7.5.2. If you use Apple File Sharing, try shutting down this application,
as Apple has reported, that this may help. If this doesn't help, I'm
afraid that you can't use AFE with your system. Another option, is to try
to solving the problem with the Conflict Catcher utillity from Casady &
Greene. I think, that CC can also change the loading order of INITs.

2) Have you tried the PopUp Folder utility (shareware). This is an
integral part of system 7.5, but is also an shareware system extension for
system 7.1. This way you should be able to make a hieracical menu in the
apple menu. Otherwise upgrade to system 7.5.1, which is no problem
regarding acquisition, if you use CELLQuest 1.2.

Best wishes


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