Re: FL4 height loss, on FACSCalibur?

Matthias Haury (
Tue, 17 Jun 1997 10:15:34 +0200


As far as I know you can only use either FL4 A+W OR FL4H, you can't get FL4
H+W+A on a FACScalibur 4 Color machine.
Neither can you use FL1,2,3 A+W both (only FL1,2,3, A, not W) if you
activate FL4H.

I think it's probably because the 4 Color option was designed as an upgrade
and had to fit into existing FACSsort circuitry... I don't know the exact
technical details (maybe somebody from BDIS could explain them...), but
your are not missing something neither did you find a bug in the software,
things are designed like this... but maybe if we make some noise they'll
realise that this is a badly missing feature and change it in a future

Hope that helps...

Cheers, Matthias

At 10:37 -0400 16/06/97, Frederic Preffer wrote:
>With doublet discrimination option 'on', on FL4, using CellQuest software,
>is it possible to get FL4 height? We cannot and are only getting FL4 width
>and area. We would like to collect FL1,2, & 3 along with all three of these
>FL4 parameters. Is this a 'bug' or missetting in our software, or something
>it is not designed to do?

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