Re: Tdt Negative Lymphoblasts
Mon, 14 Apr 1997 20:02:25 -0400 (EDT)

I have actually seen a similar case. It was also a T-cell ALL with a similar
phenotype. However, the antibody you use for the TdT is very important - not
all of them will recognize all epitopes. We discovered that the mixture of
three different clones from SuperTechs worked the best. We had actually
frozen down quite a lot of the cells from that patient (he had a very high
WBC) to use for antibody controls and cross-checks, and they didn't work with
one of the single-clone TdT antibodies we tried. All the other phenotypes
stayed true to form, though. So be careful about your antibody choice!

Karen Tamul
FAST Systems, Inc
Gaithersburg, MD

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